

The Western Society for French History offers prizes for the best papers by graduate students and the best interdisciplinary paper given at the annual conference. The society also offers money for research and travel.



The Western Society for French History offers prizes for the best papers by graduate students and the best interdisciplinary paper given at the annual conference. The society also offers money for research and travel.



The Prizes:

The Western Society for French History is pleased to solicit submissions for our three endowed prizes for papers presented at our annual meeting (descriptions below). This year the WSFH will be awarding paper prizes for papers delivered in San Francisco in November 2024, at the fiftieth meeting in the history of the society.

Please direct all queries to the Jonathyne Briggs, Vice President, WSFH at vicepresident@wsfh.org. Thank you! 

The Ronald S. Love Prize is awarded to the best paper on the history of France and/or its colonies and the Francophone world before 1800 presented by a graduate student.
The Edward T. Gargan Prize is awarded to the best paper on post-1800 history of France and/or its colonies and the Francophone world presented by a graduate student.
The Millstone Prize is awarded to the best interdisciplinary paper presented by a conference participant at any stage of her or his career.

Submissions are due by APRIL 1, 2025.

WSFH Paper Prizes - FAQs

Q. Is there a specific form or application?

A. No. To submit, email a copy of the paper as a PDF or word doc to vicepresident@wsfh.org.

Q. Can presenters submit their own papers?

A. Yes. Presenters should submit their own papers.

Q. Can graduate students submit the same paper for the Gargan/Love prizes and the Millstone?

A. No. You can only submit one paper for one prize.

Q. Should submissions include accompanying slides?

A. No. But you can use an image appendix as needed.

Q. Should presenters submit the version of the paper that they presented or longer formal pieces?

A. Papers should be formal versions of conference presentations with full citations, but submissions should not be substantively longer than the talks (~10-13pp).

The Millstone Fellowship: 2025 Cycle

The Millstone Fellowship provides $5000 for research in France (which includes the DOM-TOM, now known as DROM-COM). Eligibility is restricted to doctoral students, untenured and adjunct faculty members, and independent scholars who reside in North America and whose research related to French and Francophone history and culture requires work in archives, libraries, or other repositories in France. Preference is given to doctoral students and scholars in the early stages of their careers who show demonstrated need.

Applications should include in a single PDF or Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) file: 

  1. A curriculum vitae, including current contact information.

  2. A description of the project not to exceed five double-spaced pages. The description should explain the project’s purpose and significance, its contribution to scholarship on France and the Francophone world, and how the proposed Millstone Fellowship travel fits in with past and future research trips related to the project.

  3. A statement of prior and current funding for this project. In list form, indicate the source, amount, and time covered by each award, including graduate student stipends, startup funds, and other sources that indirectly support the project.

Letters of recommendation are not required. All materials should be combined into a single file and submitted as e-mail attachments in PDF or Microsoft Word format to vicepresident@wsfh.org. The file name should include the applicant’s last name and the e-mail subject line must carry the header “Millstone Fellowship.” Proposals will be reviewed by a four-member committee chaired by the Vice President of the Western Society for French History.

Please submit applications by April 1, 2025.